The Steamer Union was built by Albert J. Apperson and his brother in the 1880’s for $16,000. Apperson had gone to the Fraser River gold strike and earned enough money to build this little steamship. Obviously it was still in service some 25 years later still chugging up the Inside Passage. “I think I can, I think I can, I think I can……”
Ancestry message boards for Apperson; ebay.
I love finding these old photographs of the smaller ships and tugs. I am on the lookout for photos of the General Canby, the tugboat that took Soapy Smith (my great-grandfather) to Alaska in 1896. I’m also searching for photos of the Schooner Janice, which Soapy purchased on July 8, 1898, the day he was shot and killed. It is pretty obvious he was keeping the ship ready in case an immediate departure was called for.