Peniel picture

I saw this great photo on Ebay that sold recently. Other than the date of 1905 there was little information about it, but I recognized the woman in the center as being Victorine Yorba. Looking through my records I believe that the two men are C.W. Ruth and E.L. Wilson who were revivalist preachers at the Peniel in 1905. One could also be the Rev. H. M. Tourney who led revival meetings in the Peniel in 1906.  Miss Josie Barnett was also there working in 1905 and I do not know her date of birth so either woman on the ends could be her. Although the ebay seller thought this was at the Presbyterian church, I don’t think so. The interior does not match the Presbyterian Church, but could be the Peniel Mission. The signs on the walls do not match the somewhat staid Presbyterian dogma, but are more indicative of a revivalist clergy. “If God Be for us who can be against us” and “The son of man is come to Seek and Save that Which Was Lost” I can’t quite read the other ones. Also, note there is no altar but rather just a stage as if for preaching and note the extremely large Bible on the right.

Oct 3, 1905 local paper in park library;



6 Replies to “Peniel picture”

  1. Hello! Wow, what an amazing find! I am so curious who bought the photo too, wonder if it was a family member or for historical reasons. My mother who is 89, is related to Victorine Yorba Tooley. You see Victorine was the daughter of Sarah Carnahan. Sarah Carnahan was the sister of Adelaida Nandino. Adelaida was/is my living mother’s grandmother and Victorine was my mother’s great aunt! My daughter is coming to Alaska in June and I told her about her ancestor, Victorine. I suggested she go and see this wonderful photo on the wall there. If you have any information on Victorine and her sister Gusta, please e-mail me whatever you have please! Thank You,

    1. In regard to my above comment, I was incorrect with relations. Allow me to correct this please.
      I meant to say Sarah Carnahan was my mother’s grand aunt because Sarah is the sister of my mother’s grandmother.
      Sarah had a daughter named Victorine or Victoria, which means Victoria was my mother’s 1st cousin once removed.

      1. So Victoria Yorba Tooley was my 2nd cousin in my family tree. I hope her photo is still displayed on the wall of the Old Penial Mission in Skagway Alaska! Let me know anyone! Thank you!!

  2. Suzanne, you don’t know how excited I am to find someone who has the true story of the girls at the Peniel!!!! It is so great to finally find out their relationships. The photo hangs in the Peniel Mission, so you will have to contact someone at the National Park Service to get entry there since it is used for seasonal housing in the summer. I am sure they will be more than happy to let your daughter in and maybe get you a copy of that photo. I can give you contact information if you want. Marlene

  3. Hello,

    Doing a Google search for my husband’s grandfather, Rev. C.W. Ruth I stumbled onto your post. Wow! That is amazing photograph. I have been researching the Ruth family line for about four years. If you happen to have the buyers information I would love to ask if they mind giving our family a copy of the photograph.


    Deb Ruth

    1. Hi Deb, I have been in New Zealand for 6 weeks and recovering from jet lag for another 2 weeks, sorry to not get back to you sooner! Thanks for the links to C.W.’s history, I will do a separate post on him! – Marlene

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